Friday, October 3, 2008

Dixie Classic Fair

Dixie Classic FairThe Dixie Classic Fair is Here!
Now some of you might not be from around here, but the Dixie Classic Fair is a perfect local activity for you and your kids. We love to go to event the fried Snickers, community charities bar-b-que, and elephant ears. We also like to take Rachel to see all of the animals - sheep coraling and pig racing. Dixie Classic Fair LambsThis will be Elizabeth's first trip to the fair, but we are looking forward to it.

The fair is generally opened from 11:00am - 10:30pm each day from 10/3 - 10/12. It costs $8 for adults (over 12) and $4 for children (6 - 11). If you park in the lot, it will cost $7. Dixie Classic Fair Calves

The are different days with savings, as weekdays before 1:00 it costs $3 to get in. Wednesday 11/8 you can get in with 5 cans of food from Lowe's Food. And, next weekend (11th & 12th) kids under 7 can read all rides for just $7 from open to 5pm. There are directions to the fair on their site.


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